Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Lovely Christmas Pictures

I can't believe how beautiful these pictures are:

I just had to point them out.  Since I want to be a writer, I feel very bad about being unable to express what is so great about these pictures.  It only comes out as simple ideas that make me break down into tears.  If only the tears would stay ideas.  

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister

Henry Clay

One of my favorite historical figures is Henry Clay.
There is an intuitive perception about [Henry Clay], that seems to see & understand at a glance, and a winning fascination in his manners that will suffer none to be his enemies who associate with him.  When I look upon his manly & bold countenance, & meet his frank eloquent eye, I feel an emotion little short of enthusiasm in his cause, and nothing short of absolute detestation & contempt for the cowardly baseness of those who behind his back accuse him of venality & corruption, yet in his presence, cower, like partridges before the hawk.  Such a man as Henry Clay may well be betrayed into errors of passion & feeling, but it is impossible he should be guilty of those degrading vices of which meanness is a component part.  He has too much sensibility.  He suffers the slanders of interested enemies, and the slang whang of newspapers accusation to vex & harrass him exceedingly ... He is a great man - one of Nature's nobles.
- Congressman Edward Bates, to his wife, Julia, February 25, 1828

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister

It's COLD!

Anyone going to the marina today?  Not a chance! 

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister

McKenzie can has plurk?

I now have a plurk account.  Why did I want it?  Still no Facebook. 

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister

Log Cabins

I was thinking how fun it would be to live in a log cabin.  They can build them so they are pretty draft proof.  Supposedly, early settlers would build them by shaving the sides of the log.  They would fit exactly on top of the previous log which kept out the smallest draft.  It would still be pretty cold during the winter time.  They would still have to have a stove with a fire burning inside.  The stove in a log cabin is away from the walls.  The stove would have a long flue to accomplish this.  This would allow the stove to be in the middle of the room if necessary.  A log cabin can have windows made of glass.  Most of the ones in the early days probably did not have windows because the glass was hard to get into remote places.

They still build log cabins today.  But they are more of a luxury item now.  They have to be built twice.  Once when they are manufactured and once when they are finally built.  They have to build them twice because the logs are unique so they must be cut to fit on top of the other.  It's easier to build them twice in this way because it proves it can be done.  The pre-cut logs are then transported to the final location to be built for the customer.

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

No Facebook for McKenzie

My dad and I tried to set up a Facebook account for me and it looks like they won't let me join until I turn 13.  Darn.  At least I have a blog now!

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister