Thursday, January 8, 2009


Here's my Pandora account:

 Yes, I had to lie about my age in order to sign up.

 But even if I was 12, they still wouldn't let me sign up like they say for 8 months after that because there's no place to put the month!  So I told them I was 111 years old and they let me in.  I'll change it later.

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister

Monday, January 5, 2009

Wretched Little Girl

I am going to be a good girl today.  But, everyday I try and I want to be a good girl, but I can't do it. I can't be a good girl.  Because there is only one person who can ever help me to be good: Jesus.

The only person who would ever help me be a good girl is Jesus Christ. I am a sinner, and I cannot control my sinful nature.  I wanted to be good but I can not, instead I do things that where wrong no matter how I tried to be good.  It is only by the finished work of Christ on the cross that we can be delivered from sin. The righteousness of God is imputed to us when we forsake our sins and believe, 2 Corinthians 5:21. It is Christ who works in us enabling us to do good when we are saved, otherwise all our good works are like filthy rugs before God. Like Paul said in Romans 7, "O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?" And the answer, that it is only through Christ that we can be delivered and freed from the bondage of sin. I am so amazed by God's power that I want to cry.  I am a wretched little girl, and I know I am a wretched sinner who needs only a good saviour to help me. Glory belongs to God!

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister

At Shooting Range #1 of #3

I'm on the shooting range performing drills with Tactical Response. That particular pistol in the video is not mine. I have a Taurus PT609 Titanium but we were having some problems with it so the instuctors let me use one of their Glock 19s.

Click here to download:
McKenzie - 11yo Girl at Shooting Range #1 of #3.mp4 (2320 KB)

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Here's my Dipity account:

It's a timeline of stuff I've posted online.  For some reason, it won't let me import Twitter.  But basically everything else is there.

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I have a list of accounts going on my blog filed under the "account" tag.  So here's my Twitter account:

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister

Friday, January 2, 2009

Fighting Pistol Personal Defense Class

Very short video of when I attended a two day tactical fighting pistol training class in Las Vegas Nevada.  That is a Glock 19, 9mm.

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister

Maya Angelou

My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.
- Maya Angelou

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister

Orange Colored Snack

My snack has a vibrant orange color.  It is crunchy and noisy when I eat it.  It is a little sweet but not that sweet because it is a vegetable.  Someone pulled it out of the ground before the flowers bloomed.  Either a person did or it was machine, I'm not sure.  I bet you've never seen its flowers.  It was gathered into bunches after harvest and rubber bands were wrapped around the green tops.

My snack was popular in the Netherlands where it was grown long ago.  It was cultivated to become more sweet and less tough.  The orange color was also cultivated over time.

My snack is a carrot.

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Obama is a dream come true!  Dreamy! 

See and download the full gallery on posterous

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister

First 2009 Post!

Well, here's my first post for 2009.  What should I say?

 Maybe I have writer's block.  Oh no!

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister