Saturday, May 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!

It is really nice to now be 12!  But I still can't join Facebook.
Anyways, I'm having fun with all these people I've met on the
internet.  And Obama is a dream (don't tell my dad. He hates him,
uh-oh I forgot he reads my blog oh well).
So today we went to the aquarium for my birthday.  It was pretty fun.
But it's my first birthday without mom, so it still felt like there
was a dark cloud hanging over us.  Isn't that awful?  I don't want to
remember her associated with dark things!

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister

Friday, May 8, 2009

Setting a New Record for Field Stripping AR15 #firearmfriday

Here, I'll completely field strip my AR15 and then reassembles it in 53 seconds total.

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister


Here is my Disqus account:

I usually use this account for comments on Tumblr.

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister