Tuesday, December 22, 2009

They Think I'm A Child

They think I'm a child, but I'm already about the age of Mary when God called upon her to carry the Lord Jesus into this world.  I think there is something wrong with a society that tries to keep its people in a child-like state well into their 20's.  I have culpability.  I can be tried as an adult for certain crimes.  Why can't society see me as worthy of honor if I am able to accept disgrace?
I'm sure it has something to do with sexuality.  American society can't deal with sexual beings under 17.  I think if a girl can't support herself, she has no business exploring her sexuality.  But if society won't let me become self sufficient, it really does create more problems.
It seems like society wants to defer self sufficient individuals for as long as possible.  But biology doesn't allow this.  It's too powerful.  And boys are even worse off.  I may be wrong, but they seem to allow themselves to be taken for children with less consequences.
It is not something I want society involved in.  I don't want people I don't know telling me how to live.  They don't have a stake in it -- I do.  I don't want society involved.  It comes with strings attached.
My goal is to become self sufficient with my own intellect.  I want to become a writer.  I won't let lack of experience be a stumbling block.  But I don't need society to model behavior for me.  It models it wrong.  And I don't need an indifferent society to tell me what to do.
Where is the virtue in action that is restricted by society?  It is antithetical to freedom to let society set the proper action.  It is not the least bit interested in me, why should I be interested in it?  It is not reciprocal.  It is not productive.
If I make mistakes, they are mine.  If I succeed, it is also mine.  I get the feeling I should just crawl back into my little hole.  But I can't.
There is a veneer of admiration and kindness upon society.  Not by me, obviously, base on what I have written so far.  Or rather, I call it what it is.  It is just a veneer.  A thin covering.  Society doesn't like being called shallow.
Society doesn't care about me and yet I'm supposed to care about it?  That's a double standard in my book.  And if I don't join society and try to push its agenda, I am a bad person.  Again, this is a double standard because society doesn't try to push my agenda for me (nor do it want it to).  Is that because of this "greater good" junk?  Thank-you Mr. Spock.

Posted via email from McKenzie Meister

1 comment:

  1. You seem quite intelligent for your age and you're probably more mature than some of the adults I know, but don't rush. The thing I miss the most about my years through college is the element of change. Summer breaks are over, I don't have different classes each year, different teachers... I do the same thing every day. So enjoy being young. The older you get, the faster it will go! :-)
